Michael Palmedo

Economics, Trade Policy, Intellectual Property
Hello! This website highlights my academic research. I recently left academia, but I'm leaving this site up in case people find the research useful or interesting.

Until recently, I worked at American University's Washington College of Law, where I conducted interdisciplinary research on the impact of changing intellectual property laws.  My work on copyright exceptions showed that their evolution over time can be quantified and shown to be correlated with other economic variables. My work on the protection of pharmaceutical test data showed that the exclusivity required by trade agreements correlates with higher pharmaceutical prices.  My political science research focused on the extent to which the U.S. trade representative follows industry advice when identifying countries with allegedly weak intellectual property protection. 

This fall (2023), I am starting a new job as a statistician at the U.S. Copyright Office.


[Contact picture]

Michael Palmedo

Economist studying intellectual property


Curriculum vitae